Okay, Hi! Keeping this short cause I have a nail appointment HAHAHA but started off the week strong with Hermana Fraijo finding out it was my 3 months so she bought me tortillas de arrina and frijoles so I could make my own chimichangas, lol you just cant make this stuff up.
Jose Fransisco is doing SO good and is literally thriving in the church rn. Love to see it. Also, he's preparing to go to the temple and on Sunday asked us how to pay his tithing because he wants to contribute. Like okay, he's a king.
We carved a pumpkin on Halloween and it was too fun. A little glimpse of home. Also, we taught the gypsys how to write and read and I was laughing too much I'm sorry I couldn't help it they are so funny to me.

Omg and then it was día de Muertos which was so cool to see and be a part of for a sec. There's a grandma in our ward who I actually think is Mama Coco like being so fr. But anyway it really is just like the movie and I loved it, so much fun.
People to pray for:

I met this family a while ago and only the daughter (12) is interested. She is the biggest ball of joy and her spirit literally glows. Her name's Ariana and she takes the Book Of Mormon everywhere she goes, literally, she takes it to school how cute. She wants to be baptized SOO badly but her parents are poopheads and are so uninterested it's annoying. They won't even let her come to activities. She needs all your prays
As well as Aldo. He was so ready for his baptism this weekend, guys even the dl after his baptism interview said he was one of the most spiritual guys he's seen. And then somehow Satan got to him Sunday morning and he decided he needed more time to prepare. My heart is so sad. And lowkey mad. I've been taking this personally but I need to remember that it's all in the Lord's hands and his timing. Nevertheless please pray for him.

Okay, that's all for this week. Love you guys. We've got this, Christ's got us. He has to.
Love of love,
Hermana Steuer