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Cita con el bano - hna Melendez

Writer: Sophia SteuerSophia Steuer

Hello again! Sending my email today because yesterday we had a Christmas party so p-day got moved!! But honestly, this week was just not it. Hna Melendez got sick and we spent like half the week in the house. I was kinda going crazy and started talking to myself, but we're all good now. (Skip to the end again if you don't have time)

So turns out Mama Coco in our ward has never actually been baptized??? whatttttttt??? I immediately jumped on that, had two appointments with her this week, and put her on date to be baptized. Everyone pray this happens.... her daughter has a history of not letting her. In the lessons, we would ask her questions and she knew EVERYTHING like straight up was teaching me doctrine stuff I didn't even know. Makes me sad to think her whole life she's never been baptized. Mid lesson though you guys, she took her sock off and showed us a giant sore she has on her foot. Like so nasty, infected, bloody, all of it. I immediately took action HAHA. Literally revelation -- I had the thought to put my emergency med kit in my bag earlier and whipped it out for this moment. Got some alcohol whips and cleaned it up and then put gauze and a wrap on it. I went full doctor mode on her and said to leave it for a few days. She has an actual doctor's appointment for it but not till enero. Poor Mama Coco!

-- Hna Melendez was saying our usual prayer to leave the house and mid-prayer she just farted but tried to keep going as if it was nothing. I literally started dying laughing. Like actually peeing my pants laughing so hard still mid-prayer. I felt bad after like she didn't think it was as funny as I did but I was just like girl ain't no way you were just gonna keep going as if that was nothing. Sorry guys I'm so immature for bringing up farting again I just can't help it.

-- On Sunday a dad was giving a talk in sacrament, like one of the longer 15-minute talks, and halfway through his 3-year-old daughter ran up on the stand and totally stole the spotlight. She spent the whole rest of his talk just running around up there making faces at the rest of us. Literally, no one stopped her. Girly just lived her life to the fullest lol. Made me laugh.

-- Okay lowkey sos. Making friends with the Une driver was a good idea at the time but now it's just so awkward. We literally see him on the daily and I am so uncomfortable HAHA but maybe I just need to tell myself he's not flirting with me and it's fine. (He is like a fat 50 yr old, in the nicest way possible) 

Okay, that's all my rants for this week. Since having a lot of time to study though, my favorite topic that I studied was forgiveness and mercy. SO SO SO grateful for the opportunity to change and be better every. single. day. because of Jesus Christ. I listened to Brad Wilcox's famous "his grace is sufficient" talk again and seriously if none of you have listened, LISTEN RIGHT NOW. Listen and ponder, think about how Christ's mercy blesses your life and how you would feel standing in front of the savior right now. I love you guys and thought about home a little too much this week:( Christ will strengthen me.  


On Monday night we were in the house doing referencing and calls when I had the most distinct feeling that we needed to leave. I told Melendez and she was like no lol I don't want to, but I insisted. I told her I had a feeling we needed to go contact and she said fine but where?? I had no idea haha I only had the feeling to leave. So I said a prayer and then opened up our area map. With no idea what I was looking for I kept scanning all our points until one felt right. I chose the last point in our area. Literally the furthest house we could possibly travel to. We said another prayer and started our travel. Fast forward, we get to the house and they rudely shut us down. I was like okay God, really? But we didn't lose faith and decided to Christmas carol HAH we knocked on all the houses in that street with fun Christmas decorations and the 3rd house

we knocked a mom opened up and immediately invited us in. We then spent an hour listening to her tell us how her kids live in Arizona with her ex-husband and she feels her family is falling apart. We reassured her that God loves her and is aware of her and her family and that she is a light for her family and blesses them with her goodness and faith. We didn't try and convert her we simply just shared our love and the Saviors. Letting her have someone to talk to. We sang a Christmas hymn together and then she said a prayer and cried. It was the sweetest thing ever. God sent us to the last house in our area just so we could be on this street and knock on her door. We literally have hundreds of points in our area book but somehow I chose the right one. God is AMAZING. We must always be willing and ready to listen to the promptings of the holy ghost because he will lead and guide us where we need to be to bless others. 

My version of Christmas decorations this year!
My version of Christmas decorations this year!

Lots of love,

Hermana Steuer  

Photos ^^


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Dec 25, 2024

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