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2025 = MEGA MIRACLES ✨️👊💦🏃‍♀️‍➡️🦧🎂☄️🏆👑🔝🏁

Writer: Sophia SteuerSophia Steuer

GUYS MEGA MIRACLES THIS WEEK️ Like seriously such a slay week this is gonna be a novel, let me explain. 

REYMUNDO GOT BAPTIZED!!!!!!!  If you don't remember Reymundo, he is the husband of Nancy and has had 2 different baptism dates, and both times canceled (Like the morning of). In a visit with Nancy, he came in and said he wanted to get baptized this week. Like okay bomb dropped. We were just like what??? Absolutely running with this! Fast forward and we had to actually remind him that he's gotta work for it and change some things in his life, like the

word of wisdom. He said his new year goal was to quit Tabacoo so we were on a roll. We went back for a final visit to solidify the date and prep for his baptism interview and had a more serious conversation about the word of wisdom. And this is hard to do with him because he's not a serious man and always makes jokes in response to anything we say. But this time was different. I bore my testimony the best I could on my knowledge and experience with the word of wisdom and he started crying. Somehow my little story with imperfect Spanish brought the spirit and this unserious man was crying. God is sooo incredible and the spirit is so powerful!! We'd be nothing without it. I'll never forget the spirit that was present this day. WHAT A MIRACLE!!! Back to the baptism tho, it was so cute and perfect. He showed up in all white lol and with a towel.... nancy learned from last time HAHA. But seriously I'm so happy for them both and have been teaching them since October, talk about start to finish. And he cried again during his baptism ugh I just love seeing the spirit speak to people. The gospel is just so happy guys.

Now another bomb to drop...... we put the Soto de la Vara family on date for next week AHHHHHHHHH. I can't even begin to express how happy I am about this. I LOVE MY MISSION. I was preparing myself to stop trying with them and was ready to accept that I wouldn't see their baptism. (Transfers are next week) And right when I was about to give up, that's when God prepared them for this commitment. Ugh how lucky are we to have a God who performs miracles - Mathew 19:26. Later that night I was journaling about this and a scripture came to mind that I literally read that same morning in my studies, Mathew 14:31 "O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?" Like seriously why did I doubt it???

Of course, God was going to help us in HIS work!! I was saying my bedtime prayers and literally started crying tears of joy. Like I've never felt joy like this before. I thought if every day was like this on the mission I seriously wouldn't come home.

Okay but now the news you guys have been waiting for... Fernando. Ugh, why does this keep happening? Basically, Fernando's mental state is worse than we realized and he has Schizophrenia. One personality is spiritual and the other idek. Let's just say this week was interesting with him and I had to have members separating me from him in sacrament because he thinks I'm his girlfriend and he's coming back to the US with me. We lasted up until the hour before the baptism and then we had to call it quits. Nevertheless, he is still a loved child of God and I still think it a miracle that he found the gospel and I hope some elders come to misiones in the future and can try teaching him again :)

Now here are some random highlights for you:

- New Year's with the Fraijos and their cute grandkids #happy2025

- Sketchy guy pulling up beside us trying to get us in the car with him. Like what? No thanks.

- We had 11 friends in church (which is another miracle) we were trying to accommodate, and had to step out for a second to go get the baptism clothes/stuff prepared and hna Melendez being the photo queen she is insisted we took some pics in front of the church sign. (Bc we had cute dresses on for the baptisms). It turned into a full photoshoot while our 11 friends were just chillin' in sacrament lol I love us. 

- Lunch on Friday was a nightmare. I was struggling to get my food down and the family had 3 freaking dogs licking my legs the whole time. I was literally kicking them under the table. Like I already didn't like dogs and Mexico is just making me hate them even more. 

- Introduced the elders to the fam soto de la vara and let's just say the 4 of us plus their fam is a match made in heaven.

- I went doctor mode again but this time with a homeless man and it was actually so nasty. His leg was fully infected, probably from a dog, and I don't know why but I thought I could help. I was literally draining puss out of his leg you guys. At the moment I thought it was cool but after I walked away and was like what the heck did I just do? And then the next day I gave a little boy a band-aid after he fell down and was crying. One of my New Year's goals was to start thinking about what I wanted to do after my mission and maybe this is God's way of telling me I really should be a doctor. 

Okay eso es total!!!! I love you if you made it this far. Great week and going to have another great last week of this transfer :) I'm just so glad to have the holidays behind me haha!

Lots of love,

Hermana Steuer

Photos ^^



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